Language & Culture

The Saulteaux Language Instructor is Rose Marie Strawberry.

Students receive daily Saulteaux language classes. During Saulteaux classes students are learning the language as well as the teachings. Students are experiencing beading, drumming, dance, song, and traditional practices through our language and culture program. Our high school students when they complete this course, can receive high school credit for it.


The Land-Based Instructor is Kelly Baptiste. 

Our students also participate in a cultural week where they learn how to make dry meat, pick medicines, cook traditional food, play hand games and listen to Elder teachings.

Our Junior Chief and Council operate as a student council where they are tasked with small leadership responsibilities in the school i.e. assisting in leading activities at cultural week, and representing the student body at events when called upon. 

If any parents, elders, family or community members would like to assist in making our culture program shine please do not hesitate to call (587-798-0425) and talk to Michelle Kerik(Principal).

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